Xarunta Saxaafada iyo wadahadalka ayaa  qeyb ka qaadatay inay wadahadlaan labo beelood oo wada dega Gobolka Galgaduud ee Bartamaha Soomaliya,iyadoo Xaruntaan ay wax qabadkeedu ka mid yahay inay bulshada wada hadalsiiso si loo helo nabad iyo dowlad wanaag

Beesha reer xaaji salabaan ayaa maanta gogal nabadeed udhigtay beesha sade Deegaanka iidole waxaana halkaasi ay uga wada hadleen Arimo quseeya danaha labada belood, odayaasha dhaqanak beesha sade oo aad ugu faraxsanaa in ay sogaaraan deegaanka idoole oo uu ku duugan yahay ugaas Diini oo ah ugaaska beesha Sade
Qaarkamid ah odayaasha dhaqanka reer xaaji salbaan ayaa kawarbixyay in qabriga ugaaska uu mudo 300sano kahor ku aasanaa deeganka waxayna shegeen in ugaaska uu ula mid yahay mid kooda oo kale iyagoo sheegay in ay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin in owlaadiisa ay maantay soobooqadaan
dhanka kale odayaasha dhaqanka ee beesha sade ayaa aad usoodhaweyay sida wanaagsan ee walalahood u casumeen waxayna balan qadeen in ka shaqayan donaan nabada iyo isdhexgalka bulshada

Daawi Sawiraa Odayaasha Dhaqanka ee Labada Beelood




Center for Media and Dialogue (CMD) is a non-governmental organization based and registered in the Netherlands that is working for and with the media by providing platform for a peaceful dialogue for visionary leaders to enhance the po-litical capacity that can steer nations to greater stability and prosperity. Vision To build the capacity of media, youth and local leaders to play an active role in peace building in their communities through mediation and dialogue. Our Missions To provide training for people working in the media sector. Provide platform for leaders to share and steer the country to greater height. To continuously monitor attacks on the media. Provide support for women working in the media sector. Advocate for the rights and protection of journalists Participate in policy making concerned with Create platform for promoting peace, integration of the society and Objectives Build, train and develop Somali media Support and encourage Somali media, both electronic and print, to play a more active role in creating peace and promoting tolerance, peaceful co-existence and non-extremist problem solving approaches. Enhance the ability of Somali youth and local leaders to explore issues in a constructive way that encourages reconciliation and conflict transformation. Establish ways for Somali youth, civil society, and local government officials to work together towards a better understanding of local conflicts. Centre for Media and Dialogue (CMD) as a not for profit organisation [NGO] based and registered in the Netherlands is to provide a peaceful platform for dialogue of the media and enhance the political capacity that can steer nations to greater peace ,stability, and prosperity. In order to provide a platform Centre for Media and Dialogue (CMD) will work with local, regional and international organisation to materialise our aims and objectives where necessary. CMD will organise workshops alone and if and when necessary with other important organisation workshops that will facilitate our common interest and common good.

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